Title: The Agile Organisation: From Informal Networks to Complex Effects and Agility
Author: Simon Reay Atkinson and James Moffat
Year: 2005
Pages: 211
A military book about agility? Really? Yes!
The Agile Organization is a book written by Simon Reay Atkinson and James Moffat that provides an overview of how to implement Agile methodologies throughout an organization, not just in software development.
As a result, I gave this book a rating of 7.5/10.
For me, a book with a note 10 is one I consider reading again every year. Among the books I rank with 10, for example, is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Overview of The Agile Organization
In an uncertain and dynamic security environment, militaries around the world are transforming themselves, becoming more network-centric and information-enabled.
These transformations are still driven by command and control. Military strategies that are agile are the gold standard of the information age.
In the new age of command and control, traditional approaches are being questioned and replaced by new ones.
In this nascent revolution in how militaries organize, operate, and think about themselves and their adversaries, the criteria for success may be the most significant change.
To meet 21st-century security challenges, new organizational forms and approaches to command and control are needed.
The focus of The Agile Organization is on applying insights from modern and complexity theory to military organizations, as well as applying those insights to other organizations.
For a set of selected missions (approved planning scenarios), traditional militaries and military analysis concentrate on mission effectiveness.
Armed forces in the Information Age are discovering the value of agility, both as a core competency in operations and as a value metric for policy and investment decisions, in order to cope with the complexities, uncertainties, and risks associated with the 21st-century security environment.
The Agile Organization covers the principles and practices of Agile methodologies, and how to apply them throughout an organization, not just in software development.
The authors cover the key practices and strategies needed to successfully implement Agile methodologies throughout an organization, including Lean, Kanban, and Scrum.
The Agile Organization provides real-world examples and case studies from the author’s experience implementing Agile methodologies in various organizations.
The Agile Organization covers the importance of leadership, communication, and collaboration in the Agile process. The Agile Organization includes practical tips, tools, and checklists to help organizations implement Agile methodologies effectively.
My Book Highlights & Quotes
“… People subconsciously retard their own intellectual growth. They come to rely on cliches and habits. Once they reach the age of their own personal comfort with the world, they stop learning and their mind runs idle for the rest of their days. They may progress organizationally, they may be ambitious and eager, and they may even work night and day. But they learn no more…”
“… One of the Scrum rules is that work cannot be pushed onto a team; the Product Owner offers items for the iteration, and the team pulls as many as they decide they can do at a sustainable pace with good quality…”
In conclusion, The Agile Organization is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding and implementing Agile methodologies throughout an organization.
The authors, Simon Reay Atkinson and James Moffat, provide a comprehensive overview of the key practices and strategies needed to successfully implement Agile methodologies throughout an organization and offer real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts.
The book also covers the importance of leadership, communication, and collaboration in the Agile process, and includes practical tips, tools, and checklists to help organizations implement Agile methodologies effectively.
It’s a must-read for anyone involved in organizational development looking to improve their Agile skills and knowledge in an organizational context.
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