Contingency theory is a management theory that suggests that there is no one best way to manage an organization, and that an effective management style is dependent on the internal and external contingencies of the organization.
It suggests that the most effective management style is one that is tailored to the specific needs of the organization and its environment.
Two earlier research programs on the contingency theory focused on identifying effective leadership behaviours that influenced the contingency approach to leadership.
Researchers at Ohio State University on contingency theory administered extensive questionnaires measuring potential leadership behaviours in various organizational contexts during the 1950s.
Early research on contingency theory points out that such variables as the style of leadership, job design, participation in decision-making, and organizational structure are critical to understanding what will lead to a good overall managerial outcome.
What Is the Importance Behind The Contingency Theory?
Although servant leadership is a powerful model, it is only one model, and for real teams and organizations, many different models are needed.
During the 1960s and 1970s, Toyota managers stated that the more Americans and Europeans visited them and attempted to understand their process in detail and replicate it in their factories in order to have the benefits of Lean, the further they distanced themselves from its success.
The key was in the mindset, in the interaction between the organization’s culture and the microculture of its teams.
According to the contingency approach, processes, tools, and structures are not irrelevant, nor is leadership style a critical success factor.
However, organizational success depends on the interaction between internal and external factors, permeating the organization’s culture and ecosystem, and is therefore a result of the equation.
Although some adopt agile methods, they still believe that their way is the only way, even geniuses can go wildly awry when disregarding that environmental variables must be considered, as well as intelligent life that is beyond their control.
A fatal mistake would be to copy the model of another company and call it something like a “Spotify Model“.
Isn’t this weird?
The premise of contingency theories is that context matters. Until one knows the situation, one cannot determine the best approach.
Therefore, there is no such thing as a “best practice” – there are only possible practices, from which one can choose the best one.
The essence of the Contingency Theory is that there is no single ideal organizational model, and every model is subject to contingency against its internal and external reality.
The success of an organizational model must be studied, but it would be foolish to copy it without understanding its context.
There are still companies that implement Agile methods in hopes of making more money, doing more with less in a shorter amount of time, and doing more with less without giving up a single inch of the command-control and industrial model of getting the most out of their workers until they get exhausted.
The time to market, reprioritization, and exploitation cannot be achieved when everyone knows they cannot fail, cannot change the plan, and must agree to all manager requests.
One of the key principles of contingency theory is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to management, and that different organizations and situations require different management styles.
The contingency theory show that when companies try to copy the management styles of other companies without considering their own unique internal and external contingencies, they may not be successful. This is because the management strategies that work well for one company may not be appropriate for another company with different contingencies.
By copying another company’s management style without considering its own internal and external contingencies, a company may miss important factors that are critical to its success and may make mistakes.
Therefore, it is important for companies to take a contingency-based approach to management, and to tailor their management strategies to their own unique internal and external contingencies in order to be successful.
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