Title: The Art of Agile Development
Author: James Shore and Shane Warden
Year: 2008
Pages: 409
There are many books that explain agile development and why it helps software projects succeed. There are, however, very few that combine information for developers, managers, testers, and customers into one easy-to-use package.
The Art of Agile Development is a book written by James Shore and Shane Warden that provides a comprehensive overview of Agile software development methodologies, including Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Crystal.
As a result, I gave this book a rating of 8.0/10.
For me, a book with a note 10 is one I consider reading again every year. Among the books I rank with 10, for example, is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Overview of The Art of Agile Development
The Art of Agile Development provides no-nonsense advice on agile planning, development, delivery, and management taken from the authors’ many years of experience with Extreme Programming (XP).
The Art of Agile Development provides a holistic view of the agile development process, including hands-on technical practices for developers and testers, as well as comprehensive guidance for non-technical readers.
The Art of Agile Development gives you clear answers to questions such as:
– How can we adopt agile development?
– Do we really need to pair programs?
– What metrics should we report?
– What if I can’t get my customer to participate?
– How much documentation should we write?
– When do we design and architect?
– As a non-developer, how should I work with my agile team?
– Where is my product roadmap?
– How does QA fit in?
XP practices are explained in detail in this book, followed by principles to allow you to modify XP and create your own agile process.
There is a particular focus in this book on the difficult aspects of agile development: the need for team members to cooperate and trust one another.
You will find useful tips in this book to start practising agile development, whether you’re a member of an agile team, working with an agile team, or just interested in agile development.
With your experience growing, the book will teach you first how to understand agile development rules, then how to break them, and ultimately get rid of rules altogether as you master agile development.
The Art of Agile Development covers the principles and practices of Agile development, and how to apply them to software development projects.
The authors cover the key practices and strategies needed to successfully implement Agile, including pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous integration.
The book provides real-world examples and case studies from the author’s experience implementing Agile in various organizations.
The Art of Agile Development covers the importance of communication, collaboration, and customer involvement in the Agile process.
The book includes practical tips, tools, and checklists to help teams implement Agile effectively.
My Book Highlights & Quotes
We’re all doing the same thing — getting stuff done. We work together to make it happen, and we jump back and forth between all the normal development activities as the situation dictates
In conclusion, The Art of Agile Development is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding and implementing Agile software development methodologies.
The authors, James Shore and Shane Warden, provide a comprehensive overview of Agile development, including Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Crystal, and offer real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the key practices and strategies needed to successfully implement Agile.
The Art of Agile Development also covers the importance of communication, collaboration, and customer involvement in the Agile process, and includes practical tips, tools, and checklists to help teams implement Agile effectively.
The Art of Agile Development is a must-read for anyone involved in software development looking to improve their Agile skills and knowledge.
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