Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 46, 2023

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

So, let’s go with some discoveries from the week!

#1 – Are We Raising Unhelpful, Bossy Kids? Here’s The Fix
#2 – The Hidden Traps in Decision-Making
#3 – It’s Okay to Be Good and Not Great

Are We Raising Unhelpful, Bossy Kids? Here’s The Fix

Source: Scientific American
Author:  Scott Barry Kaufman

Psychologist Lucia Alcala conducted a study showing that many parents exclude their toddlers and younger children from doing household chores, creating a negative effect. Alcala observed in an experiment with a model grocery store that some siblings excluded others from the task of finding an efficient store route, which discouraged younger children from helping. 

Alcala sees similarities between this phenomenon and how young kids try to help their parents. Anthropologist David Lancy describes how parents in other cultures welcome young children into family chores and work as part of their “chore” curriculum, which teaches children how to help and work as a team. 

Instead of waiting for their child to choose their own method of helping, parents in other cultures proactively enlist their child’s help in tiny subtasks on a regular basis.

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The Hidden Traps in Decision-Making

Source:  Harvard Business Review
Author:  John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, and Howard Raiffa

Making good decisions is essential for success in business, and bad decisions can be damaging to a career or business. Poor decisions often have their roots in the way decisions are made, but sometimes they result from flaws in the decision-makers thinking. 

These psychological traps are especially hazardous to executives. To make sound decisions, management can learn to understand these traps and compensate for them. In this article, several psychological traps are explained, including the status-quo trap, the sunk-cost trap, the framing trap, and the overconfidence trap. 

For each trap, the author provides techniques that take into account human biases to ensure decision-making is more reliable.

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It’s Okay to Be Good and Not Great

Source: Outside
Author: Brad Stulberg

Most people want results now. But generally speaking, results don’t work like that. Our society celebrates “optimization.” 

So it’s only natural that we would want to optimize ourselves. But our brains don’t work like computers. Perhaps one of the most detrimental consequences of digital technology is the illusion of connection. 

We think that if we can tweet, post, text, e-mail, or even call someone, we’re good.

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