Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 43, 2022

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

So, let’s go with some discoveries from the week!

#1 – Conquering a Culture of Indecision
#2 – Simple Behaviors That Make Others Want to Listen to You
#3 – Some Reflections on Being Off Social Media
#4 – Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact?
#5 – Managing Our Hub Economy

Conquering a Culture of Indecision

Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Ram Charan

Summary: In organizations that have successfully shed a culture of indecision, the discussion is always safe. Underperformance, however, is not. Does this sound familiar? You’re sitting in the quarterly business review as a colleague plows through a two-inch-thick proposal for a big investment in a new product. Breaking a culture of indecision requires a leader who can engender intellectual honesty and trust in the connections between people.

3 Highlights:

“… It’s not enough for a manager to say she’s assessing, reviewing, or analyzing a problem. Those aren’t the words of someone who is acting…

“… By failing to provide honest feedback, leaders cheat their people by depriving them of the information they need to improve…

“… Few mechanisms encourage directness more effectively than performance and compensation reviews…” 

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Simple Behaviors That Make Others Want to Listen to You

Source: Untethered Mind by Alex Mathers
Author: Alex Mathers

Summary: Ever get frustrated that people don’t seem to pay you attention? The skill of garnering rapt attention to what you’re saying is becoming rare, but it will help you make a tremendous impact in the world. Here’s how to ensure people take note, prick their ears, and listen up to you!

3 Highlights:

“… Be different, and find a way to make peace with silence. As many assume, this doesn’t show a lack of intelligence, it emphasizes your strength…” 

“… Influential talkers say what might feel uncomfortable and awkward if it means being honest. Speaking the truth, especially saying things that aren’t always comfortable, takes courage…” 

“… Always speak with total, unfaltering conviction. There is confidence here, and others will be inclined to believe what you’re saying…” 

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Some Reflections on Being Off Social Media

Source: Scott Young Site
Author: Scott Young

Summary: Last summer, Scott Young decided to stop using Twitter. He gave up YouTube as well as part of digital declutter in the fall, during the first session of Life of Focus. Since it’s been several months since he stopped using social media, he brings some reflection on the experiences.

3 Highlights:

“… Instead, I feel like my internet usage now is much closer to how it was when I began blogging—curated information sources rather than algorithmic feeds…” 

“… I think the anxiety-lowering effects of going off Twitter are more significant than the time savings. While I enjoyed the intellectual discussions, the overall hostility definitely made me more anxious…” 

“… Why is Twitter smart and nasty, but Reddit is dull and fun? The choice to follow people rather than topics seems pivotal here...” 

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Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact?

Source: McKinsey
Author: Wouter Aghina, Christopher Handscomb, Jesper Ludolph, Dániel Róna, and Dave West

Summary: Enterprise agility was desirable and is now becoming essential. Many organizations are racing to become agile. New research suggests that agile transformation can have a powerful impact on the bottom line — in addition to other widely recognized benefits.

3 Highlights:

… Although cost savings are seldom the primary objective of an agile transformation, it is a natural consequence of the improved operational performance and ability to provide the same outcomes with fewer people…”

“… Agile organizations can quickly redirect their people and priorities toward value-creating opportunities. A common misconception is that stability and scale must be sacrificed for speed and flexibility…”

“… Using enterprise agility to meet rapidly changing customer needs can result, unsurprisingly, in a better customer journey…”

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Managing Our Hub Economy

Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani

Summary: A small number of digital superpowers — Alibaba, Amazon, Microsoft, and others — have become “hub firms” because they control access to billions of mobile customers coveted by all kinds of product and service providers. These hubs drive increasing returns to scale and claim a disproportionate share of the value being created in the global economy. Moreover, hub firms themselves must lead responsibly for the good of all, not just creating and capturing value but doing more to sustain other players in the ecosystem.

3 Highlights:

“… Companies should make their products and services available on multiple hubs to avoid being held hostage by one dominant player…” 

“… Digital technology is enabling growth in value across our economy, but value capture is getting more skewed and concentrated…” 

“… The centralizing forces of digitization are not going to slow down anytime soon. The emergence of powerful hub firms is well underway, and the threats to global economic well-being are unmistakable…” 

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