Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 16, 2023

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

So, let’s go with some discoveries from the week!

#1 – The 7 Types of Rest That Every Person Needs
#2 – The Female Economy
#3 – How the Personal Computer Broke the Human Body

The 7 Types of Rest That Every Person Needs

Source: TED
Author: Saundra Dalton-Smith

Summary: Sleep and rest are often confused as the same thing, however, there are seven different types of rest that are required for restoration in key areas of your life. These include physical rest, mental rest, sensory rest, creative rest, emotional rest, social rest, and spiritual rest. These different types of rest cannot be substituted by sleep alone, and fatigue can be associated with several health problems.


“… The first type of rest we need is physical rest, which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleeping and napping, while active physical rest means restorative activities such as yoga, stretching, and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility…”

“… Schedule short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your workday; these breaks can remind you to slow down. You might also keep a notepad by the bed to jot down any nagging thoughts that would keep you awake…”

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The Female Economy

Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Michael J. Silverstein and Kate Sayre

Summary: BCG surveyed more than 12,000 women from a variety of geographies, income levels, and walks of life about their education, finances, homes, jobs, activities, interests, relationships, hopes, and fears, as well as their shopping behaviors and spending patterns. In this article, Silverstein and Sayre, two of the firm’s partners, review the highlights of the findings and explain the biggest opportunities. While any business would be wise to target female consumers, they say, the greatest potential lies in six industries: food, fitness, beauty, apparel, health care, and financial services.


“… Women seek to buy products and services from companies that do good for the world, especially for other women. Brands that—directly or indirectly—promote physical and emotional well-being, protect and preserve the environment, provide education and care for the needy, and encourage love and connection will benefit…

“… Understanding and meeting women’s needs will be essential to rebuilding the economy; therein lies the key to breakout growth, loyalty, and market share...”

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How the Personal Computer Broke the Human Body

Source: Voce
Author: Laine Nooney

Summary: The arrival of personal computers in the 1970s brought with it a world of pain previously unknown to humankind. The traditional overhead lighting, strong task lighting, or daylight cast would cause a glare over the display’s specular surface, causing eye strain. The combination of sitting and looking at a computer monitor caused unique pain and would become a more common complaint as desktop computers began to enter American homes over the course of the 1990s.


“… What Getson was discovering, like all the rest of the personal computer early adopters of the 1980s, was just how much using computers hurt. Turns out, monitors caused eye strain. Or, to put it more accurately: living with computers routinely strained eyes. Vision problems were the embodied human residue of natural interactions between light, glass, plastic, color, and other properties of the surrounding environment…” 

“… What the computer did was make the work so routine, so boring, and so mindless, clerical workers had to physically exert themselves to be able to focus on what they were even doing. This transition, from work being about the application of knowledge to work being about the application of attention, turned out to have a profound physical and psychological impact on the clerical workers themselves...”

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