Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Special Edition, 2022

The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.
The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.

In the special edition, you have the chance to have a look at all the Weekly Pulse editions from 2022. 

Just click on the week title to read the summary.

Weekly Pulse – Week 51, 2022

#1 – Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey
#2 – If You Encounter Any of These “Monster” Managers … Run
#3 – Having Trouble With Your Strategy Then Map It
#4 – AI in the Workplace: Paving the Way For Man-Machine Collaboration
#5 – The New Productivity Challenge

Weekly Pulse – Week 50, 2022

#1 – The Right Way to Manage Expats
#2 – The Myth of Multitasking: Why Fewer Priorities Leads to Better Work
#3 – Managing in the Knowledge Economy
#4 – 3 Common Fallacies About Creativity
#5 – The One Thing You Need to Know About Managing Functions

Weekly Pulse – Week 49, 2022

#1 – The Set-up-to-Fail Syndrome
#2 – Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy
#3 – Innovation at the Speed of Information
#4 – Dunbar’s Number: Why We Can Only Maintain 150 Relationships
#5 – Designing the Hybrid Office

Weekly Pulse – Week 48, 2022

#1 – Cracking the Code of Change
#2 – Revisiting Agile Teams After an Abrupt Shift to Remote
#3 – What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
#4 – Incentives and the Two Types of Motivation
#5 – Drive Innovation with Better Decision-Making

Weekly Pulse – Week 47, 2022

#1 – Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change
#2 – A Lack of Leadership Roles for Women Even in the Metaverse
#3 – Why We Buy Things We Don’t Need
#4 – What Happened When Zapier Cancelled Meetings for a Week
#5 – Feeling Stuck or Stymied

Weekly Pulse – Week 46, 2022

#1 – The Brand Report Card
#2 – 12 Simple Daily Tasks That Will Energize and Simplify Your Life
#3 – How Apple is Organized for Innovation
#4 – What Happened After Zappos Got Rid of Workplace Hierarchy
#5 – Persuading the Unpersuadable

Weekly Pulse – Week 45, 2022

#1 – Why Should Anyone Be Led by You
#2 – When Does Intelligence Peak?
#3 – 15 tiny ideas that quickly drain stress from your life
#4 – How to Combat Virtual Meeting Fatigue
#5 – What Evolution Can Teach Us About Innovation

Weekly Pulse – Week 44, 2022

#1 – Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups
#2 – Redesigning the Post-Pandemic Workplace
#3 – 8 Outrageous Tips That Will Save You Time
#4 – What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
#5 – Leadership That Gets Results

Weekly Pulse – Week 43, 2022

#1 – Conquering a Culture of Indecision
#2 – Simple Behaviors That Make Others Want to Listen to You
#3 – Some Reflections on Being Off Social Media
#4 – Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact?
#5 – Managing Our Hub Economy

Weekly Pulse – Week 42, 2022

#1 – Harnessing the Science of Persuasion
#2 – The Best Leaders in the World Are “Quiet Managers”
#3 – Managing in the Knowledge Economy
#4 – The Coronavirus Effect on Global Economic Sentiment
#5 – Don’t Let Age Get in the Way of Entrepreneurship

Weekly Pulse – Week 41, 2022

#1 – Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance
#2 – How Companies Can Help Midlevel Managers Navigate Agile Transformations
#3 – Persuade Your Company to Change Before It’s Too Late
#4 – How to Think Clearly
#5 – Beyond Theory Y

Weekly Pulse – Week 40, 2022

#1 – Blue Ocean Strategy
#2 – Are Your Team Members Lonely
#3 – How Incumbents Survive and Thrive
#4 – Strategy for a Digital World
#5 – Teaching Smart People How to Learn

Weekly Pulse – Week 39, 2022

#1 – Tipping Point Leadership
#2 – When Waterfall Principles Sneak Back Into Agile Workflows
#3 – Process Improvement, The Agile Way
#4 – Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
#5 – Your Strategy Has to Be Flexible

Weekly Pulse – Week 38, 2022

#1 – The One Number You Need to Grow
#2 – Are We in the Metaverse Yet?
#3 – More-Experienced Entrepreneurs Have Bigger Deadline Problems
#4 – How to Make Your Culture Work with Agile, Kanban & Software Craftsmanship
#5 – Your Strategy Should Be a Hypothesis You Constantly Adjust

Weekly Pulse – Week 37, 2022

#1 – Is Silence Killing Your Company
#2 – The Ultimate Learning Machines
#3 – In-Depth Career Planning Process for Positive Impact
#4 – Just Move: Scientist Author Debunks Myths About Exercise And Sleep
#5 – The Best Companies Know How to Balance Strategy and Purpose

Weekly Pulse – Week 36, 2022

#1 – How to Pitch a Brilliant Idea
#2 – The Hard Truth About Business Model Innovation
#3 – Skilled Incompetence
#4 – To Start a New Habit, Make It Easy
#5 – The CEO View: Defending a Good Company from Bad Investors

Weekly Pulse – Week 35, 2022

#1 – Fear of Feedback
#2 – Why Agility Pays
#3 – The Best Digital Business Models Put Evolution Before Revolution
#4 – The Frustration with Productivity Culture
#5 – The Stretch Goal Paradox

Weekly Pulse – Week 34, 2022

#1 – Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy
#2 – Dunbar’s Number: Why We Can Only Maintain 150 Relationships
#3 – Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change
#4 – Life Is Not a Game
#5 – To Sound Like a Leader, Think About What You Say, and How and When You Say It

Weekly Pulse – Week 33, 2022

#1 – The Young and the Clueless
#2 – 1,000 True Fans
#3 – Tim Ferriss Show with Kevin Kelly
#4 – Lessons from Levi’s’ Digital Transformation
#5 – Your Strategy Won’t Work If You Don’t Identify the New Capabilities You Need

Weekly Pulse – Week 32, 2022

#1 – Saving Your Rookie Managers From Themselves
#2 – A To-do List Won’t Help You Master Your Life
#3 – Why Leaders Resist Empowering Virtual Teams
#4 – Better Ways to Green-Light New Projects
#5 – The Fastest Path to the CEO Job, According to a 10-Year Study

Weekly Pulse – Week 31, 2022

#1 – What Kind of Happiness Do People Value Most?
#2 – What Parents Need to Know About the Coming Metaverse
#3 – The Social Economics of Work and Productivity
#4 – How Collaboration Needs Change From Mind to Marketplace
#5 – Strategy for Startups

Weekly Pulse – Week 30, 2022

#1 – What You Don’t Know About Making Decisions
#2 – Scale vs Speed: Why Organizations Slow Down
#3 – Forgotten Stakeholders: Forming Team in an Outsourced IT Environment
#4 – Think Globally, Innovate Locally
#5 – How to Excel at Both Strategy and Execution

Weekly Pulse – Week 29, 2022

#1 – What Leaders Really Do
#1 – A Survival Guide for Leaders
#2 – The Long Tail
#3 – Where Did the Long Tail Go?
#4 – YouTube Extremism and the Long Tail
#5 – The Leader’s Calendar: How CEOs Manage Time

Weekly Pulse – Week 28, 2022

#1 – What Leaders Really Do
#2 – Double Loop Learning in Organizations
#3 – Parenting: Who is it really for?
#4 – Revamping Your Business Through Digital Transformation
#5 – Is Your Company Actually Set Up to Support Your Strategy

Weekly Pulse – Week 27, 2022

#1 – What Leaders Really Do
#2 – Double Loop Learning in Organizations
#3 – Parenting: Who is it really for?
#4 – Revamping Your Business Through Digital Transformation
#5 – Is Your Company Actually Set Up to Support Your Strategy

Weekly Pulse – Week 26, 2022

#1 – Transforming Corner-Office Strategy Into Frontline Actin
#2 – Parkinson’s Law
#3 – The Project Economy Has Arrived
#4 – Reframing Growth Strategy in a Digital Economy
#5 – Is Execution Where Good Strategies Go to Die

Weekly Pulse – Week 25, 2022

#1 – The Work of Leadership
#2 – How New Top Managers Use Control Systems as Levers of Strategic Renewal
#3 – The Concept of “Ba”: Building a Foundation for Knowledge Creation
#4 – How to Manage ‘Invisible Transitions’ in Leadership
#5 – What Most People Get Wrong About Men and Women

Weekly Pulse – Week 23, 2022

#1 – Taking The Stress Out of Stressful Conversations
#2 – There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives
#3 – The Socially Intelligent Leader
#4 – How to Combat Virtual Meeting Fatigue
#5 – Smart Leaders Focus on Execution First and Strategy Second

Weekly Pulse – Week 22, 2022

#1 – Radical Change, The Quiet Way
#2 – The Myth of Multitasking: Why Fewer Priorities Leads to Better Work
#3 – The AI Revolution
#4 – Why Every Executive Should Be Focusing on Culture Change Now
#5 – How The Most Successful Teams Bridge the Strategy-Execution Gap

Weekly Pulse – Week 21, 2022

#1 – The Necessary Art of Persuasion
#2 – Revisiting “The 4-Hour Workweek”
#3 – The First Rule Of Being Your Own Boss? Be Authentic
#4 – Redesigning the Post-Pandemic Workplace
#5 – The Age of Continuous Connection

Weekly Pulse – Week 20, 2022

#1 – The Discipline of Innovation
#2 – The Real Meaning of Freedom at Work
#3 – The Ivy Lee Method: Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity
#4 – 10 Things Your Corporate Culture Needs to Get Right
#5 – The Feedback Fallacy

Weekly Pulse – Week 19, 2022

#1 – The Core Competence of the Corporation
#2 – Great Attrition or Great Attraction? The Choice Is Yours
#3 – The Artificial Intelligence Revolution
#4 – The Benefits and Risks of Rehiring a Boomerang Employee
#5 – The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures

Weekly Pulse – Week 18, 2022

#1 – How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight
#2 – How to Turn Everyday Stress Into Optimal Stress
#3 – Who Has the Next Big Idea
#4 – Responses to Disruptive Strategic Innovation
#5 – Your Approach to Hiring Is All Wrong

Weekly Pulse – Week 17, 2022

#1 – What Is Strategy
#2 – Reviving the Art of Apprenticeship to Unlock Continuous Skill Development
#3 – How to Get at What You’re Good At
#4 – A Dynamic View of Strategy
#5 – Begin With Trust

Weekly Pulse – Week 16, 2022

#1 – Values in Tension: Ethics Away From Home
#2 – The Journey to an Agile Organization
#3 – Creating the Lean Startup
#4 – Closing the Gap Between Strategy and Execution
#5 – How to Protect Your Job in a Recession

Weekly Pulse – Week 15, 2022

#1 – Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity
#2 – The Future of Work After COVID-19
#3 – Free Agent Nation
#4 – Strategy as a Way of Life
#5 – Crucibles of Leadership

Weekly Pulse – Week 14, 2022

#1 – Building Your Company’s Vision
#2 – How Concept Sprints Can Improve Customer-Experience Innovation
#3 – What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
#4 – The Hard Truth About Business Model Innovation
#5 – Cultural Innovation

Weekly Pulse – Week 13, 2022

#1 – We Need Better Managers, Not More Technocrats
#2 – Successfully Transitioning to New Leadership Roles
#3 – Warning: Habits May Be Good For You
#4 – The Great Leap: Driving Innovation From the Base of the Pyramid
#5 – Getting Serious About Diversity

Weekly Pulse – Week 12, 2022

#1 – The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why
#2 – Change Management: Lessons From Japan
#3 – Creating the Lean Startup
#4 – The Hard Truth About Business Model Innovation
#5 – How to Promote Racial Equity in the Workplace

Weekly Pulse – Week 11, 2022

#1 – Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail
#2 – The Great Attrition: Wanting the Best, Keeping the Worst
#3 – I’m a Copy Machine
#4 – Picking the Right Approach to Digital Collaboration
#5 – The Circular Business Model

Weekly Pulse – Week 10, 2022

#1 – Discovery-Driven Planning
#2 – Three Keys to Building a More Skilled Postpandemic
#3 – I am a Saboteur
#4 – The Practices That Set Learning Organizations Apart
#5 – When Your Culture Needs a Makeover

Weekly Pulse – Week 09, 2022

#1 – How Brands Can Enter the Metaverse
#2 – Unleashing the Power of Communication in Agile Transformations
#3 – Ten Habits to Boost Your Happiness
#4 – Virtual Collaboration Won’t Be the Death of Creativity
#5 – Our Work-from-Anywhere Future

Weekly Pulse – Week 08, 2022

#1 – The Psychology Behind Meeting Overload
#2 – Strategy for a Digital World
#3 – This is My Brain on Coffee
#4 – Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation
#5 – Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System

Weekly Pulse – Week 07, 2022

#1 – Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change
#2 – Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact?
#3 – When Data Creates Competitive Advantage
#4 – 11 Realities About Being Productive
#5 – People Aren’t Meant to Talk This Much

Weekly Pulse – Week 06, 2022

#1 – Major Sales: Who Really Does the Buying
#2 – That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
#3 – Why Decentralization Matters
#4 – More Tasks, More Ideas
#5 – What You’re Getting Wrong About Burnout

Weekly Pulse – Week 05, 2022

#1 – Negotiating Your Next Job
#2 – Getting Brand Communities Right
#3 – How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity
#4 – Getting Things Done Guru David Allen and His Cult of Hyperefficiency
#5 – Maximizing Agile Productivity to Meet Shareholder Commitments

Weekly Pulse – Week 04, 2022

#1 – When Machine Learning Goes Off the Rails
#2 – The Rules of Co-opetition
#3 – The New New Product Development Game
#4 – I’m not languishing, I’m dormant
#5 – What Makes Some People More Productive Than Others

Weekly Pulse – Week 03, 2022

#1 – When Machine Learning Goes Off the Rails
#2 – The Rules of Co-opetition
#3 – The New New Product Development Game
#4 – I’m not languishing, I’m dormant
#5 – What Makes Some People More Productive Than Others

Weekly Pulse – Week 02, 2022

#1 – How to Retrain Your Frazzled Brain and Find Your Focus Again
#2 – Revisiting Agile Teams After an Abrupt Shift to Remote
#3 – What Children Lose When Their Brains Develop Too Fast
#4 – If You Encounter Any of These “Monster” Managers … Run
#5 – The Project Economy Has Arrived

Weekly Pulse – Week 01, 2022

#1 – Carol Dweck Revisits the Growth Mindset
#2 – The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Don
#3 – Nassim Taleb: What do I mean by Skin in the Game?
#4 – Incentives and the Two Types of Motivation
#5 – Your Job Doesn’t Have to Be Your Passion

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