The Weekly Pulse is my content curation and my highlights from readings, books, podcasts, insights, and everything I discovered during the week.
So, let’s go with some discoveries from the week!
#1 – The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything
#2 – It’s Time to Rethink Job Descriptions for the Digital Era
#3 – The complicated reality of doing what you love
The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything
Source: FS Blog
Author: Shane Parrish
Summary: The article in this Weekly Pulse discusses the Feynman Technique, a formula created by Nobel-winning physicist Richard Feynman to learn anything faster and with greater understanding. The four-step process involves choosing a concept, teaching it to a child, identifying gaps and going back to the source material, and reviewing and simplifying. The technique helps deepen understanding of ideas and concepts and allows for better communication of knowledge to others. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between knowing something and knowing the name of something.
“… A lot of people tend to use complicated vocabulary and jargon to mask when they don’t understand something. The problem is we only fool ourselves because we don’t know that we don’t understand. In addition, using jargon conceals our misunderstanding from those around us…”
“… Review them to make sure you didn’t mistakenly borrow any of the jargon from the source material. Organize them into a simple story that flows.
Read them out loud. If the explanation isn’t simple or sounds confusing that’s a good indication that your understanding in that area still needs some work…”
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It’s Time to Rethink Job Descriptions for the Digital Era
Source: Harvard Business Review
Author: Tyrone Smith
Summary: Job titles and descriptions have become outdated in the modern workplace due to the blurring of job responsibilities and expectations caused by technology and digital transformation. As more jobs are automated, job titles will need to evolve to fit the changing business landscape. This involves a profound reimagining of job titles to provide more flexibility and a broader scope than traditional titles and to focus on skills rather than tasks. Allowing employees to transcend job titles can boost productivity during a time when responsibilities and skills change faster than traditional job titles and descriptions can be updated.
“… AI won’t necessarily replace humans in these fields, but we’ll need flexible job descriptions to adapt to technological advances and the impact they’ll have on traditional job titles and roles. Expanding beyond narrow job titles will be a critical aspect of the digital workplace as it’s streamlined by automated technology…”
“… Employees should feel empowered by supporting technology and digital transformation, encouraged to learn and grow outside of their normal daily work routine, and enthusiastic about the prospects of developing their careers without the pressures of stringent job descriptions, responsibilities, or titles…”
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The Complicated Reality of Doing What You Love
Source: Vox
Author: Marian Bull
Summary: The author of this Weekly Pulse tem recounts how they came to appreciate the benefits of having a hobby, which for them was making ceramics. Despite initial struggles with the process, they found enjoyment in the delayed gratification and quantifiable progress of the craft. However, as demand for their work grew, they grappled with the question of balancing commercialization with their original intention of pursuing an activity separate from work. The article explores the tension between leisure and work in hobbies, as well as the pressure to monetize them in modern times.
“… “Leisure came to represent freedom because it took place in time separate from work, and time in an industrial world could be used for either work or leisure,” writes Steven Gelber in his book Hobbies: Leisure and the Culture of Work in America. “For this reason, industrial capitalism sharpened the West’s ambivalent feelings about leisure.” Leisure does not exist without work and is therefore defined by it…”
“… But making time for that also means carving out time, both for creation and inspiration, for the rest that is required for my brain to think thoughts. This is something I crave more than a new hobby; this is peace…..”
Access full Weekly Pulse reading here >>
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Do you want to check previous Weekly Pulse posts? Check the last couple of weeks:
- Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Special Edition, 2023
- Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 51, 2023
- Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 50, 2023
- Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 49, 2023
- Weekly Pulse by William Meller | Week 48, 2023
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